What is hair transplant?
Due to various factors like aging, stress, or other medical conditions, people tend to lose hair. Most of the time, hair loss happens on the front or top of the scalp and it is the area that is most visible. There are also diseases or injuries that leave people with bald spots on their head. These can cause self-esteem problems to some people. Fortunately, hair transplant can be done to fix it. The surgical procedure is simply done by transplanting the thick hair growth on the back of the scalp to the areas on the front scalp where hair loss becomes apparent.

How the procedure is done?
Hair transplant is a surgical procedure where the doctor moves hairs from the back of the scalp to the front or top. The scalp is cleaned thoroughly and anesthesia is administered locally on the area. The area of the scalp where there is heavy hair growth is then removed with a scalpel, after which the incision is sutured. Once the scalp with heavy hair growth is gathered, individual hairs are separated with the use of magnifying lens and a sharp blade. Once the healthy hairs are selected, the area that will receive the implants are cleaned and numbed with tiny needles. Usually, these areas are on the top and front of the scalp. To transplant the hairs, tiny holes are made directly to the scalp and hairs are placed individually into the holes.

What to expect after hair transplant?
After the surgical procedure is over, the patient might feel some tenderness on the scalp. This is normal and the discomforts can be dealt with by prescribed pain medications. A surgical dressing over the scalp might also be recommended by the doctor, this needs to be worn for a couple of days. There could also be additional medications like antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed. Most of the time, it takes two to five days for patients to go back into their regular routine after hair transplant.

After two or three weeks, the transplanted hair will fall out. But this must not cause panic, as new healthy hairs will start to grow in the next few months.